- Polymer Science and Technology
- Applications of Polymers in Medicine, Health, and Biotechnology
- Coating, Composite, and Ceramic Materials
- Biopolymers for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
- Wood & Wood polymer Composites in Biopolymers
- Polymers Electrochemistry
- Solid Waste Management Techniques of Polymers
- Polymeric Material Chemistry and Physics
- Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
- Polymer Science and Engineering
- Textiles and polymers used in building and construction
- Nanomaterials and nanocomposites
- Marine Applications of Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Composites
- Polymer Electronics: Optics, Fiber, and Lasers
- Biochemical-Bio Degradation of Polymers
- Hybrid polymer composite materials
- Renewable Resources and Biopolymers
- Computational Material Science
- Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
- Composite Materials in Aerospace Applications
- Plastic Processing and Composite Materials
- Electronics and Photonics
- Textile Materials and Fibers
- Bio-Fibers and Composite Materials
- Mechanical and Physical Properties of Composite Materials
- Computational Materials and Modelling
- Bio-Materials, Bio-devices & Tissue Engineering
- Ceramics, Engineering Materials, and Composite Materials
- Advanced composite materials
- Engineering of polymer composites, nanocomposites, and blends
- Recycling and Waste Management of Bio-polymers
- Role of polymers in biology and biological systems
- Polymer Design and Reaction
- Oils and Bio-Inorganic Materials
- Computational Materials Science
- Composite Materials – Applications
- Polymer Physics and Characterizations
- Bio Catalysis in Polymer Chemistry