Submit Abstract

We invite the contributions related to #NANO2025. You can submit your work in any broad themes (or) other topics related to #NANO2025. Authors submit their abstract(s) using the submission form on this page.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Kindly submit your abstract in MS Word format in portrait layout.

The number of words in the abstract should be limited Up to 250 words and biography should be written up to 100 words.

An acknowledgement mail will be sent to you within 48 hours upon receiving the abstract. Ensure to check your email frequently for further communications.

Abstract will be reviewed by the committee and you will receive an e-mail notification within 3 working of abstract submission.

All the abstracts must be submitted before the abstract submission deadline.

If you are unable to submit the abstract online, you can send us the abstract to Conference Email ID.

Please refer to our sample abstract template available below the submission form for the sake of your convenience.

Please note that no more than two submissions will be allowed per presenter due to possible program limitations.

Oral Presentation

A Windows-PC and a projector will be prepared in each presentation room. Presenters can use either of the provided PC or their own PC for presentation.

The provided PCs have Windows 10 64bit and PowerPoint 2016 installed. Please copy your presentation file to the PC via a USB memory or pen drive in the break before your presentation and check if your presentation can be displayed well.

In case of using your PC, an analog RGB 15-pin (so-called D-SUB or VGA) cable is provided for connection to the projector. Please prepare a suitable converter by yourself if needed. Please check connectivity until the break before your presentation.

Types of Oral Presentations:
Plenary Talk: 45 minutes (including discussion)
Keynote Talk: 35 minutes (including discussion)
Invited Talk: 30 minutes (roughly 25 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion)
Featured Talk: 20 minutes (17 minutes presentation + 3 minutes discussion)

Poster Presentation

All oral presentations MUST be in English.

Posters may only be displayed on their assigned day as listed in the meeting program.

The maximum size of your poster is the following: Height: 119 cm and Width: 84 cm

For example, you can use A0 portrait size poster (119 cm high x 84 cm wide).

Pushpins will be supplied to put your poster to the board, please return the pins at the end of your poster session, Adhesive tape cannot be used.